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“The idea of Homeland scents was not born out of thin air and did not come in a dream. Many brands come up with beautiful legends about sudden insight. With us, everything was much more prosaic.
In the process of work, the question of finding the unique souvenirs and gifts for foreign guests often arose, we wanted to give a product that could convey the spirit of Kazakhstan, the beauty and wealth of the nature of our beautiful Motherland.
So far, only one thought has appeared - aromas, scents that can revive in the memory the unforgettable moments spent in our country ….
And if needed, even to remind those who are now, by the will of fate, far from home, how wonderful the aroma of their native land is.
In addition, in recent years, the country has increasingly experience a tendency to reorient the preferences of our fellow citizens in favor of the domestically manufactured goods. We would like to create a brand that Kazakhstan could rightfully be proud of. And that was the beginning ... "
Olga Berner, General Director

Development of the fragrances began in the autumn of 2018.
Then, within the scope of the first stage, Sarah McCartney, an independent perfumer from the Great Britain, was invited to Kazakhstan. She visited the capital of our Republic - the city of Nur-Sultan, and the beautiful Almaty, the southern capital located at the foot of the Ile Alatau mountains.
Sarah visited the National Museum of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan) and the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty), where she studied the exhibits of the historical and cultural heritage of our country. And, of course, she was amazed by the beauty and richness of the natural landscapes of our Motherland. As a result of this trip, based on her impressions in her laboratory in London, she collected four scents about Kazakhstan: the aroma of a clear and rhythmic Capital, the smell of a cozy and welcoming city of apples of Almaty, the scent of the endless Steppe and the fantasy aroma on the theme of the Great Silk Road.

“When I was invited to the project, the work on it was already at full speed. The first samples were received from the English perfumer Sarah McCartney and there was a clear understanding of how the brand should develop further.
At this stage, our team began to build-up with the creative and artistic employees. We tried with every symbol, every point to convey the richness of the historical and cultural heritage of our Native Land to the world.
But we still had the feeling that the collection of fragrances needed to be expanded. Kazakhstan is too big, its nature, flora, its rich history cannot be conveyed with only four flavors. So the second stage of development was announced ... "
Julia Lukyanenko, Creative Director

During the second phase, briefs for five more perfume compositions were developed and sent out to the leading perfume companies and independent perfumers. We received samples from all over the world. The selection was tough. It was not only the beauty of the composition itself that was important, but also the exact correspondence to the brief. That is, the smell had to recreate the pictures in our memory. Revive the memories of the native land.
When the best perfume compositions were chosen and the contracts with suppliers were signed, we came to a new stage - the manufacturing of perfumery itself. In Kazakhstan!
2020 has become a landmark year for us. This is the year of the launch of the first domestic perfumery production in Kazakhstan. This is a great pride and great responsibility. These are the first labels on perfume boxes, where “Kazakhstani product” appears.

This is how our dream came true - to open Kazakhstan from a new, possibly unexpected, side to the whole world, and to present another national brand made with great love and respect for the Motherland, its culture, history and beauty to our fellow citizens.
Ароматы Родной Земли в работах лучших европейских парфюмеров

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